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A simple RPG with dungeons, swords, PvP, leaderboards, gambling and memes | English, Spanish/Español, Portuguese/Português
Monthly Votes Rank: #16 Monthly votes: 22,652
Total Votes Rank: #7 Total Votes: 34,337,225
Server Count Rank: #57 Server count: 606,132
Shard Count Rank: #40 Shard count: 288
Select Year:
Hourly Data
Date Monthly Votes Servers
Feb, 5 19:00 22,652 (+163) 606,132 (+7)
Feb, 5 18:00 22,489 (+161) 606,125 (+2)
Feb, 5 17:00 22,328 (+166) 606,123 (+5)
Feb, 5 16:00 22,162 (+193) 606,118 (-1)
Feb, 5 15:00 21,969 (+175) 606,119 (+18)
Feb, 5 14:00 21,794 (+156) 606,101 (+3)
Feb, 5 13:00 21,638 (+119) 606,098 (-1)
Feb, 5 12:00 21,519 (+108) 606,099 (+9)
Feb, 5 11:00 21,411 (+116) 606,090 (+2)
Feb, 5 10:00 21,295 (+123) 606,088 (+3)
Feb, 5 09:00 21,172 (+141) 606,085 (+5)
Feb, 5 08:00 21,031 (+120) 606,080 (+6)
Feb, 5 07:00 20,911 (+139) 606,074 (+7)
Feb, 5 06:00 20,772 (+147) 606,067 (+3)
Feb, 5 05:00 20,625 (+157) 606,064 (+10)
Feb, 5 04:00 20,468 (+133) 606,054 (+9)
Feb, 5 03:00 20,335 (+156) 606,045 (+3)
Feb, 5 02:00 20,179 (+141) 606,042 (+3)
Feb, 5 01:00 20,038 (+120) 606,039 (+8)
Feb, 4 24:00 19,918 (+127) 606,031 (-3)
Feb, 4 23:00 19,791 (+109) 606,034 (0)
Feb, 4 22:00 19,682 (+94) 606,034 (+8)
Feb, 4 21:00 19,588 (+123) 606,026 (+3)
Feb, 4 20:00 19,465 (+154) 606,023 (+9)
Feb, 4 19:00 19,311 (+146) 606,014 (+3)
Daily Data
Date Monthly Votes Total Votes Servers Shards
2025-2-5 22,652 (+2734) 34,337,225 (+2683) 606,132 (+101) 288 (0)
2025-2-4 19,918 (+3338) 34,334,542 (+3281) 606,031 (+75) 288 (0)
2025-2-3 16,580 (+3412) 34,331,261 (+3351) 605,956 (+116) 288 (0)
2025-2-2 13,168 (+6734) 34,327,910 (+6614) 605,840 (+125) 288 (0)
2025-2-1 6,434 (-143644) 34,321,296 (+6508) 605,715 (+143) 288 (0)
2025-1-31 150,078 (+6870) 34,314,788 (+6730) 605,572 (+125) 288 (0)
2025-1-30 143,208 (+3061) 34,308,058 (+2997) 605,447 (+88) 288 (0)
2025-1-29 140,147 (+3270) 34,305,061 (+3207) 605,359 (+89) 288 (0)
2025-1-28 136,877 (+3250) 34,301,854 (+3187) 605,270 (-44) 288 (0)
2025-1-27 133,627 (+3403) 34,298,667 (+3326) 605,314 (-10) 288 (0)
2025-1-26 130,224 (+6716) 34,295,341 (+6586) 605,324 (-25) 288 (0)
2025-1-25 123,508 (+6710) 34,288,755 (+6582) 605,349 (-44) 288 (0)
2025-1-24 116,798 (+6993) 34,282,173 (+6835) 605,393 (-58) 288 (0)
2025-1-23 109,805 (+3113) 34,275,338 (+3044) 605,451 (-30) 288 (0)
2025-1-22 106,692 (+3325) 34,272,294 (+3268) 605,481 (-44) 288 (0)
2025-1-21 103,367 (+3298) 34,269,026 (+3224) 605,525 (-54) 288 (0)
2025-1-20 100,069 (+3447) 34,265,802 (+3384) 605,579 (+6) 288 (0)
2025-1-19 96,622 (+6964) 34,262,418 (+6824) 605,573 (-57) 288 (0)
2025-1-18 89,658 (+6968) 34,255,594 (+6836) 605,630 (-40) 288 (0)
2025-1-17 82,690 (+7107) 34,248,758 (+6949) 605,670 (-4) 288 (0)
2025-1-16 75,583 (+3219) 34,241,809 (+3164) 605,674 (-19) 288 (0)
2025-1-15 72,364 (+3332) 34,238,645 (+3269) 605,693 (-38) 288 (0)
2025-1-14 69,032 (+3406) 34,235,376 (+3345) 605,731 (-15) 288 (0)
2025-1-13 65,626 (+3484) 34,232,031 (+3427) 605,746 (-12) 288 (0)
2025-1-12 62,142 (+7016) 34,228,604 (+6906) 605,758 (-42) 288 (0)